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Work Sites

"This is the work site of Sekwang Shot Machinery, and we take care from general parts to details of the company."

Technology Research Institute boasting our best technology

Establishing the attached Technology Research Institute, we are leading the fields of automation and unmanned systems of shot machinery by researching and developing new technology and products in organized ways by processed goods for the first time in the domestic shot machinery industry. And by localizing the design technique of the developed countries, such as Germany constantly, this institute is playing an important role for the development of national material industry.

Component processing Site for Precision Processing

Thanks to precision processing equipment and inspection equipment, the component processing technology for shot machinery which had relied on exported goods has been localized. And it is contribute not only to the replacement of exported goods but also to improvements of performance of shot machinery.

Completion of highly efficient shot machinery assembly site.

Before taking goods out of the warehouse, by assembling goods and testing the performance of the goods, it is the process for the final inspection to make the goods perform properly after taking them out of the warehouse. And the photo on the left is the process assembling external and internal shot machines exported.